
About Ballooning SL

Our activity, our services for individuals, groups and companies, our advantages and our contact informations.

About the BALLOONING team

Ballooning safety information about the company, the team, the equipment, the insurance, the maintenance and security tips to our passengers.

Information about security

Our experiences in hot-air ballooning, in advertising with balloons and branded inflatables, our participations in international meetings and championships.


Our contact by Emails, phone numbers and mail address.

Contact us

Legal disclaimer, about personal informations we collect, copyright and credits.

Privacy policy

Our general terms and conditions for hot-air ballooning.

General terms and conditions

Hot-air balloon flights

Description about the feelings during a hot-air balloon flight.

Sensations of floating in the air

Description about each steps of a ballooning adventure.

Steps of a ballooning adventure

Description of the DISCOVERY balloon ride offer.

The DISCOVERY balloon ride

Descripcion of the PRIVATE / VIP ballooning ride offer.

The PRIVATE / VIP balloon ride

Descripcion of the FAMILY ballooning flight offer.

The FAMILY balloon ride

Descripcion of the GROUPS & COMPANIES ballooning activity offer.

The GROUP / INCENTIVE balloon ride

Descripcion of the PYRENEES balloon flight offer.

The PYRENEES balloon ride

Descripcion of the PYRENEES CROSSING balloon flight offer.

The PYRENEES CROSSING balloon ride

Booking form for a hot air balloon ride reservation.

Booking form

Promotion and Advertising with hot-air balloons and inflatables

Informations about possibilities in advertising with balloons and inflatables.

Advert your brand with volume

Advertising with hot air balloons, with banners, a hot air balloon contruction with your brand on it, sponsoring and promotional events.

Hot-air balloons advertising

Advertising with cold air inflatables, also with helium inflatables, for any fairs, meetings, expositions, indoor and outdoor communication, etc.

Inflatables advertising

More about the hot-air balloon

The basket, the burner, the enveloppet, how does a balloon fly, how to control it, etc.

Parts of the balloon

Brief history from 1783 at nowadays.

Brief history

The world round trip in a balloon, altitude record, etc.

Adventures and records

Frequently asked questions from the passengers.


Tourism in Catalonia, Bracelona, Associations, competitions, weather forecasts, etc.

External links

Ballooning in your language

Descripción de un globo aerostático, vuelos en globo, bautismo del aire en globo, varias fórmulas de vuelo en globo en Catalunya, Publicidad en globo aerostático, formas hinchables publicitarias, records, aventuras, etc.

BALLOONING página web en Español

Descripció d'un globus aerostático, vols amb globus, bautismo de l'aire amb globus, diverses fórmules de vol en globus a Catalunya, Publicitat amb globus aerostático, formes unflables publicitàries, records, aventures, etc.

BALLOONING web en Català

Hot air ballooning in Spain, hot-air balloon adventure rides, discover our different formulas of flying over Catalonian landscapes, also take a look at our promotion and advertising services with balloon and inflatables for your company, see the world records and special adventures, etc.

BALLOONING website in English

Description d´une montgolfière, vols en montgolfière, baptême de l´air, diverses formules de vols d´aventure en montgolfière en Catalogne, publicité en montgolfière, structures gonflables publicitaires, records, aventures, etc.

BALLOONING site web en Français
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